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REACH Mentoring

As you are aware, our Missionary Project for 2019 – 2020 was REACH Mentoring. REACH, based in Lurgan and working in the Craigavon, Armagh and Banbridge areas, work alongside local schools to provide volunteer mentors to young people who are in need of additional support.

In March 2020, CE meetings came to an abrupt halt. Societies may not have had the opportunity to use the packs REACH put together, invite a speaker to their group or do fund raising for REACH. As a result, we were not able to give REACH our full support, so we intend to support REACH again in the near future – please keep your REACH Missionary Pack safe until then!

Please also continue to pray for the work of REACH and the young people they mentor, as schools begin to reopen and new ways of working are explored.

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