31/ Aug
Mr Ken McGall, an elder in 2nd Broughshane Presbyterian Church, has been appointed President of the Irish Christian Endeavour Union. His Installation will take place at the 108th Irish National CE Convention to be held on Saturday 23rd September, at 7.15pm, in the Vic-Ryn Centre, Moira Road, Lisburn.
Ken has been in CE from the age of seventeen and has held various posts at Society, Local Union and Irish Union levels; at present he is a member of Irish Christian Endeavour Executive.
He is married to Jean who is involved in CE as a Junior leader in 2nd Broughshane and also holds the post of Treasurer in Irish CE.
When asked about hobbies, Ken says when you are self-employed you don’t have much time for hobbies, but he treats his work as a hobby. He designs collections of ladies’ shoes and handbags and men’s shoes for factories in various countries in the world.
His vision for his Presidential year would be to encourage leaders and members to serve Christ, remembering the CE motto, “For Christ and the Church”.